Apps for Education (AP)
AP gave an overview of the various aspects of
Google Aspects for Education:
Google Classroom – send resources to students,
set assignments, link to calendar
Google Drive – (Docs, Sheets and Slides)
Google Sites
· AP showed how Drive can be used for assignments
and how teachers have access to the files as students are creating them. This
helps to eradicate issues with the handing in/transferring of files.
AP also showed some student work created using
Docs and Drawings
Maps has clear applications for Geography as
students can create a map from Google Maps and annotate it as they wish
Integration with 3rd party apps such
as PowToon for creating cartoon explanations. These can all be attached to an
assignment when the student uploads it.
AP showed the range of 3rd party apps
AP demonstrated using forms to create quizzes
using Flubaroo for grading which puts results straight into a spreadsheet
Sites can be created very easily by integrating
Google Drive files into the page e.g., a slides presentation or a video.