Monday 21 November 2016

Mini TeachMeet 6

1Interleaved Learning (JLi)

·         Teaching can become quite episodic whereby each topic is taught in turn and then not revisited until revision. With interleaved learning, the attempt is to try to build on learning rather than have blocked learning - ABC ABC ABC rather than AAA BBB CCC
·         New syllabus more likely to require students to mix skills together than have blocked learning
·         Evidence suggests students achieve better as a result
·         Use starters as a way to recap from several weeks ago - Corbettmaths
·         Video - Robert Winston synapses. Learning something is difficult at first but as the signals pass again and again a more solid pathway is produced.
·         DO shared some thoughts from Professor Coe on this regarding recall. If one wants students to remember things from some time ago, one has to require them to do so in order to set this expectation. If we teach in an episodic/modular way then that’s how they will learn.

3 Challenge Strategies(JCD)

·         Jason shared 3 strategies that he has used with his classes to promote challenge
1.       Worksheets where the challenges built in to tasks immediately - each question has a challenge rather than an extension at the end of the sheet. More students engage with these challenges as they happen at the time.
2.       CO2 cycle - rather than a cycle to learn by rote, JCD reads out text and pupils record what happens in their own way without using words, then has to explain their diagram etc to pupil B

3.       Gut glucose transport - rather than exposition, gave students a blank diagram and some facts as a challenge to try and describe it the self - scaffold present where necessary.

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